For the first assignment you will create a simple program that does _something_™ with the screen and the buttons. What exactly this is, is completely up to you. For example, a simple higher/lower number guessing game, or show some information depending on the button combination pressed.

This wiki contains documentation for most components you will use. Simply search for the components you wish to have some information on in the top left corner. The components you will use for assignment 1 are the Wemos D1 mini, and the Wemos OLED button shield.

Some notes:

  • Be careful you don’t connect the screen upside down. The labels on the back, near the pins, should be oriented the same for the Wemos and the screen.
  • Do not add or remove devices to the Wemos with the USB power connected.
  • This phase of the first assignment does not need to be handed in, you build upon it for the second assignment.